Nagna Yoga is a traditional yoga practice done without clothing to help blend the joy and freedom of nudity with the body awareness of yoga. This naked class will follow a Vinyasa style that can help generate healthy sexual energy in the body and mind. In this weekly, 75 minute class we work to connect our bodies, minds and breath as we move through various yoga sequences that will strengthen and stretch our muscles, build balance and coordination, and calm the mind.
This class is appropriate for all levels of students, from beginners to very advanced, and for anyone who identifies as being at least partly male. You don't have to plan to come weekly.
The Triangle Inn graciously allows us to share their outdoor shower, spa and pool after class. Bring a towel. Hotel guests have priority seating at the pool, deck and spa. Hotel guests are also welcome to join us for yoga.
Doors Open: 12:45 PM
Class: 1 PM
Social Time: 2:15 PM
Triangle Inn, Palm Springs
(corner of 555 San Lorenzo & Random Rd)
Parking: Random Road ONLY (not the hotel guest parking)
Enter: Random Rd (not hotel entrance)
Look for Yoga sign on black gate off paved driveway
Suggested $15 donation. Put cash in box at front table or pay via Venmo or PayPal (pay as you are able)
What to bring: Mat, towel, water bottle and any props (blocks, straps or others) you like to use.
* When the temperature outside is at least 55 degrees F and there is not rain or dust storms.
Nothing better than the naked ymca 🤣